To ensure that Bon Accord Montessori Child Development Centre is providing a safe environment, the following policies and steps will be implemented with the underlying principle that all children will be treated with respect and kindness. The behavior of the Montessori Staff will always be gentle and courteous with age-appropriate explanations.

Methods that will be used when guiding and redirecting behaviour:

Proactive approaches:

  • Staff will promote and encourage appropriate behaviours through a rich, interesting and stimulating program that meets the developmental needs and interests of the children in the care.

  • Staff will promote and encourage behaviour by consistency in routines. appropriate maintainin rules and 

  • Staff will promote appropriatevbehaviours by maintainingvsmooth transitions, giving advance warnings of any change in activity and dividing children into smaller groups that are manageable, less chaotic and more appropriate for young children’s developmental level.

  • Staff will communicate to children the rules and reason for the rules using positive statements, getting down to their eye level and talking to them in a calm, quiet manner about what behaviour is expected of them.

  • Staff will promote and encourage appropriate behaviour through modeling desirable behaviours and socially acceptable language. After the child is reminded of the appropriate behaviour, the child will be given time to comply with the rules and change the problem behaviour. The desirable outcome is for children to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviours and learn appropriate behaviours through practice in a safe environment.


Reactive Approaches

  • If the child does not change the undesirable behaviour, he/she will be redirected through alternatives/choices to another activity area.

  • Room Staff shall document any history of recurring discipline problems, arrange to have a conference with the parents and keep subsequent formal conferences in the child’s record.

  • In cases of recurring or severe misbehaviour, parents will be contacted so that we may work things out together. If the misbehaviour continues, the Director may place the child on a two-week probationary period. If the situation does not improve, or a

  • Plan cannot be implemented for improvement during the probationary period, Parents will have one week to withdraw their child from the Montessori.

These forms of punishment are not permitted at Bon Accord Montessori

• Physical or verbal punishment, physical degradation or emotional deprivation

• Under no circumstance will any child be denied /threatened to be denied any necessity

• The use of any form of physical restraint, isolation confinement, or isolat