Health and Safety Procedures

Staff will greet each child and discuss with the Parent any health problems or symptoms. The Parent is responsible for informing the Staff of any medications being administered at home in case of a reaction during the day (there is also a reminder on the attendance form). The Parent is also responsible for informing the Staff of any recent injury or accident that may influence their child’s behavior and/or health.

Parents are required to keep their child home if he/she is displaying any of the symptoms listed below. Therefore, it is extremely important that parents arrange a backup plan should their child become ill. This is for the protection of the other individuals on the program premises, and it is now a Day Care Licensing and Alberta Health Services Regulation.

  • Fever of 38 degrees C or higher (especially if the temperature is high or persistent).

  • Diarrhea/Vomiting

  • Undiagnosed rash/skin condition.

  • Communicable disease (other than mild respiratory tract infection)

    such as: Hepatitis A, Impetigo, Measles, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Pink Eye, Rubella, Scabies, Head Lice (nits), Strep Throat, Tuberculosis, Chicken Pox (children can return when they feel well enough to participate in all activities, including outdoor activities).

  • Obviously infected nasal discharge/mucus (thick and colored eg: green or brown).

  • • Lethargy and irritability.

  • Persistent pain (earache).

  • Severe cough (especially if gagging or vomiting occurs).

  1. A receiving Staff member, who notices any of the above symptoms when a child arrives, will ask the Parent or the person dropping the child off, to take the child home or to a doctor for a note confirming that the child’s health is not infectious. Please do not take your frustration out on our Staff as we are only doing our job by complying with Alberta Health Services Regulations. This is for the Health and Safety of the children and Staff at our Center. We will gladly have a Representative from AHS or Licensing contact anyone who questions our Policy or Regulations we are required to comply with.

    ***NOTE: If your child is not feeling well enough to attend school or participate in Montessori activities (e.g.: going outside) it is requested that your child be kept at home. Please do not ask our Staff to keep your child inside. This is not an option as we need to always adhere to Child/Staff ratio. A child’s illness can result in greater care needed than the Montessori Staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children.

Supervised Care for Sick Children

If a child begins to display any of the symptoms listed above, at the Day Care, the Parents or Emergency Contact Person(s) listed on the registration form will be called to pick the child up. A sick child will be

removed from his/her group to relax in the quiet atmosphere of the office, with the supervision of the Director until the Parents or Emergency Contact People arrive to pick the child up. Any child that was removed from the program due to illness, will not be permitted to return until the Program Director is satisfied that the child no longer poses a health risk to other persons on the program premises. Acceptable evidence may include the child is symptom free (without medication) for at least 24 hours or the Parent has a physician’s note stating the child is not contagious. For Diarrhea and Vomiting, we ask that children with these symptoms remain at home until 48 hours after the last symptoms.

The Center will record and document any children/staff that are ill including the individual’s name, the date the individual was observed to be ill, the name of the staff member that identified the individual to be ill, the time the parent was contacted, the name of the staff person that contacted the parent, the time the child was removed from the center, and the date the child returned to the program. Any two individuals that attend the program displaying two of the same symptoms will be reported to Alberta Health Services.

Please note: Parents will have 2 hours from initial notification from the Montessori to arrange for pick up of the ill child. It is the Parent’s responsibility to arrange for a back up plan prior to any illness

Individuals Who Have Not Been Immunized

It is the parent’s choice whether to immunize their children. However, should there be an outbreak of disease, Bon Accord Montessori will not be held responsible should a child become ill with a disease that would have been prevented through immunization. Should there be an outbreak of disease, any child that has not been immunized will be absent from our program until the threat of exposure has passed.


Medical Emergencies and Accidents

Children sometimes injure themselves or get into an altercation with another child. We will take all precautions to avoid this possibility. Parents will be called if deemed necessary by the Director. If not, the person picking up the child will be informed of the occurrence. The accident/incident will be recorded in the child’s file and the parents/guardians of the child will be asked to review the record and sign it. Our program uses this information to track and analyze accidents and incidents to identify any trends or issues. If a serious accident, injury, or illness occurs, an ambulance will be called immediately. Parents or emergency contact person(s) will be informed as soon as possible. As stated in the signed consent area of the child’s registration form, Parents/guardians will be responsible for any expense associated with emergency care eg: ambulance costs etc. Any serious injury, accident, or incident (injury requiring medical attention, lost child) will be reported to Alberta Children and Youth Services (Licensing