Medication Policy and Procedure

Bon Accord Montessori Staff will only administer medication that is prescribed by a doctor or medications required for allergic reactions. All staff know which children (if any) use emergency medications, where the medications are stored, and how to administer them if necessary. Prescription medications must be in the original container with a prescription label on it. The prescription label must include: the name of the physician, the patient’s name (must be the person for whom the medication is to be administered), date the medication was prescribed and the instructions for dosage. Medication will only be administered according to the labelled directions. Once it is administered, staff will record the name of the medication, time of administration, amount administered, and initials of who administered the medication. If your child requires Prescription Medication to be administered at the Montessori, a Medication Administration Form will need to be filled out and signed by the Parent/Guardian (see Medication Administration Procedures below).

Bon Accord Montessori will administer Emergency Medications that are required for allergic reaction. However, Parents/Guardians must inform the Staff of possible allergies. This information is to be recorded in the child’s registration form file. A letter from the child’s physician with information pertaining to the allergy, symptoms of allergic reaction, medication required, dose to be administered, how often to administer medication, will be required for the child’s file. The medication must be in the original container with the child’s name on it. The Parent/Guardian will also need to fill out and sign an Emergency Medication Form. Bon Accord Montessori will not, under any circumstance, administer any other medication by mouth that is not prescribed by a physician. Parents/Guardians of the child are welcome to administer the medication themselves, however, they must inform the

Staff of the medication given and the time it was given (even if this was given at home before day care) – the child’s communication book is a good place to write this information. This is a precautionary measure in case the child has a delayed reaction throughout the day. If a child requires medication such as Tylenol to treat symptoms such as fever, severe cough, or pain it is important for the Parents/Guardians to refer to the Bon Accord Montessori Health Policy and Infectious Disease Policy and Procedure. Children that have these symptoms should remain at home until they are symptom free. If a child requires Topical Cream or ointment, the Parents/Guardians must inform the staff and a Medication Administration form will be required.

Medication Administration Policy

If your child requires prescription medication to be administered at Bon Accord Montessori, it is important that the following information be recorded properly. Failure to do so will result in the medication not being administered.
1. Parent/Guardian must inform the Staff of the type of medication, whether it

is a prescription medication or Emergency Medication. If it is an emergency medication, depending on the severity, a Life-Threatening Allergy Alert Form will need to be filled out and signed by the Parent/Guardian. For mild allergies, a signed letter from the Parent/Guardian specifying the type of allergy and the symptoms to watch for, the type of medication, dose of medication will be posted in the child’s room and the child’s file. For prescription medication, a Medication Administration Form will be given to the Parent/Guardian to fill out. This form will only have to be filled out once. However, it must be filled in correctly with the child’s full name, date, date the medication is to start and to finish, name of medication, dosage to be administered, time to be administered, special instructions (e.g.: to be given

with food), Parent/Guardian signature (medication will not be administered if any of this information is missing).

  1. Medication must come in the original container. The container must also

    have a prescription label with the child’s name on it.
    Helpful hint: if the medication will be taken by the child over a period e.g.: 10 days, it is advisable to have the pharmacist divide the medication into two containers with labels. This way the medication can remain at the Center until it is finished (sometimes it can be forgotten at the Center and then the child misses the doses to be given at home).

  2. Make sure the instructions for administration/application are clear. For example: there has to be a specific time for administering the medication (e.g.: to be taken with food, put 12:30 p.m. as that is the time the children are finished eating) and not, “when she finishes eating” or “after lunch”.

  3. All medication must be given to the Staff in the morning if the medication is not left at the Center, including asthma inhalers. Medication cannot be left in the child’s cubbies or backpack.

  4. There is a locked Medication Box that is kept in the refrigerator in the kitchen

  5. There is also medication box in each room which is out of children reach.

  6. Qualified Staff (Staff that has a First Aid Certificate) will then ensure the

    child’s medication is administered according to the labelled directions. The

    Staff will then fill in the chart on the medication form and sign it.

  7. Staff will return the medication to the family when the authorization period

has ended.