Toy Policy

Toy Policy As we provide care to different age groups, we ask that you do not allow your child to bring toys or small trinkets (coins) from home due to potential choking hazards, health and liability issues. Some cuddly toys are allowed for rest period or quiet time.

Sunscreen and Mosquito Repellant

Sunscreen and Mosquito Repellant Because the skin of young children is very vulnerable to the sun’s rays, we need to work together as a team to protect them from harmful burns. In fact, most skin damage takes place before the age of 18. Then sun damage caused to the skin during childhood is cumulative and […]

Staff-Child Interactions Policy and Procedures

Staff-Child Interactions Policy and Procedures At Bon Accord Montessori Child Development Centre, interaction refers to the ways in which Staff (adults who are in the classroom and work with the children daily, for a substantial portion of the day) relates to the children. These interactions will be expressed in a positive and warm manner through […]

Rest Policy

Rest Policy We believe that rest is a very important part of the child’s daily program. We observe quiet time from 12:30 – 2:30 pm. Children are encouraged to lay quietly for a “body rest” at the beginning of this time to allow other children to fall asleep. Children who are still awake after 1:30pm […]

Reportable Critical Incidents

Reportable Critical Incidents An emergency evacuation Unexpected program closure An Intruder on the program’s premises A serious illness or injury to a child that requires the program to request emergency health care and/or requires the child to remain in the hospital overnight. An error in the administration of medication by program staff or volunteer resulting […]

Outdoor Play Policy

Outdoor Play Policy Outdoor play experiences are considered a vital component of the environment for play. At Bon Accord Montessori Child development centre, we believe that different kinds of play experiences can happen outdoors. Children need opportunities for physical challenges such as: running, sliding, rolling, riding, climbing, jumping, and transporting etc. In addition to these […]

Bon Accord Montessori Center Staff

Bon Accord Montessori Center Staff At Bon Accord Montessori, we use staffing models such as teaching teams and floaters. Employing extra staff is important in this field and helps us to “prepare for the unknown”. We do this in effort to lessen the impact of a teacher change on children, families, coworkers, and program administrators. With […]

Medication Policy and Procedure

Medication Policy and Procedure Bon Accord Montessori Staff will only administer medication that is prescribed by a doctor or medications required for allergic reactions. All staff know which children (if any) use emergency medications, where the medications are stored, and how to administer them if necessary. Prescription medications must be in the original container with […]

Lock Down Procedure

Lock Down Procedure In the event there is imminent danger to the Staff or children in the Center (whether Staff suspects threat or upon notification from local Authorities), the following procedures will be in effect: All doors will be locked. All children will be moved to the Casa Room at the middle of the Center […]

Grievance / Complaint Procedure

GRIEVANCE / COMPLAINT PROCEDURE In the event of misunderstandings, personality conflicts, or specific complaints against the center staff or about the center policies, parents are encouraged to contact the Director via telephone, e-mail, or speak with the director in person to remedy such problems. Complaints may also be aired at parent’s meetings in order to […]

Foip Policy

Bon Accord Montessori regularly takes pictures of the children for daily activities (use of Montessori materials), field trips, portfolios, and our web site. If you do not wish for your child to take part in these pictures (to appear anywhere or be published), please indicate this on your child’s registration form – on the Informed […]

Emergency Medication Policy and Procedure

Emergency Medication Policy and Procedure All staff will be notified about which children (if any) use emergency medication by information being posted in the Bambini (Infant), Bambini (Toddler) and the Casa Room. The information will also be posted in the Child’s File. If emergency medications such as Epi-pens and Benadryl are to be administered, all […]

Transition from Lunch Time to Nap Time

o help make this time go more smoothly, it is important for ALL staff to communicate with each other and use a team effort. To make this fair and to not have to designate specific roles, staff can rotate daily, but need to communicate which task he/she will be doing (diapering/ bathroom procedures or story […]

Footwear and Clothing Safety

Clothing is an important part of our everyday lives. It keeps us warm and protects us from the weather. It may seem surprising, but clothing and shoes can be dangerous for our children. Drawstrings and necklaces are extremely dangerous as children can be strangled if they get caught on items such as playground equipment, fences […]

Fire and Emergency Policy and Procedure

Bon Accord Montessori is inspected by the Fire Chief on a regular basis. To help educate and orientate Staff and children about our “emergency procedures”, we have monthly fire drills. This helps eliminate panic and teaches everyone what to do in a calm step by step manner. Fire drills are even practiced in the winter […]

Field Trip Policy and Procedure

Field Trip Policy and Procedure   If the center will go on a field trip, the following procedures will be discussed and followed by all Staff and Volunteers participating in the Field Trip: 1. Staff will visit the site prior to taking the children to assess: age/developmental appropriateness washroom/water availability telephone availability (cellular) security personnel […]

Child Guidance Policy

To ensure that Bon Accord Montessori Child Development Centre is providing a safe environment, the following policies and steps will be implemented with the underlying principle that all children will be treated with respect and kindness. The behavior of the Montessori Staff will always be gentle and courteous with age-appropriate explanations. Methods that will be […]

Focus on Family Support and Communication Policy

At Bon Accord Montessori, parents and/or guardians are viewed as vital to their child’s successful experience. We understand that it can be difficult for parents to take time away from work. Therefore, Bon Accord Montessori is flexible and has an open-door policy allowing parents/guardians to choose the amount of time they can spend with their […]

Daycare Closure

We will close on all Alberta Statutory Holiday New year day Family day Good Friday and Easter Monday Victoria Day Heritage Day Labour Day Truth and Reconciliation Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas week from December 25th to January 1st!!

Arrival and Departure Policy

Upon arrival at the center, we ask that you accompany your child into his/her room, inform the Staff of his/her arrival. This will not only ensure the safety of your child, but it is also Bon Accord Montessori Regulation. Make sure that you say goodbye and reassure him/her of your return. It is also a […]

Use of email, electronic devices & the internet:

(a) This policy is meant to ensure that people’s privacy and confidentiality of information about the Center, children, parents/guardians/caregivers and staff is upheld. Everyone involved with the Center must adhere to this policy. Failure to do so can result in consequences and disciplinary action. (b) Cell phone/Communication Devices: are not permitted while working on the […]